Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Dash Snow Dies; Nobody Notices

Dash Snow, the artist who is best known for creating a hamster nest out of shredded phone books in a London hotel room, is predictably dead of a heroin overdose. Tragically, not only was Michael Jackson's funeral the same week, but global infatuation with trust fund brats who bite the thousands of hands which feed them is at the lowest ebb of the century. Timing is everything.


Mark said...

Oooo, good snark.

Anonymous said...

Pretty lady comments on Dash Snow, nobody notices.

Pretty Lady said...

They noticed on Facebook. Blogger is so 2006.

Pretty Lady said...

Ddad, that's very kind of you.

However, there are thousands upon thousands of undeniably talented artists in the world who are not drug addicts, and who live productive, responsible, giving lives, producing wonderful art. We don't hear much about these artists, largely because people such as yourself choose to focus on artists like Dash Snow, egged on by a corrupt and dysfunctional art establishment.

If you are really interested in art, not in glamor, fakery and misery, look for some living artists to canonize. You'll do a lot more good for a lot more people.

Kate said...

Right on, Pretty Lady!

Society just never seems to tire of that Bad Boy Artist trope...

molly said...

i noticed. when it happened. having seen a show of his not that long before, it seemed... how terribly sad.