Monday, June 18, 2007

Pretty Lady Submits to Angst

She has spent the last five hours proving conclusively to herself that with the resources at hand--an outdated copy of Dreamweaver, an updated copy of Firefox, various freeware web editing programs, and an aging iBook running OS X--it is absolutely, definitively IMPOSSIBLE to design a simple navigation bar with spontaneously popping-down menus.

This would seem a simple task. It is not. It is an impossible task. Pretty Lady must repeat this. Impossible.

This impossibility has precipitated an internal crisis of epic proportions, because who is Pretty Lady, really? How can one define oneself, if one cannot design a clean navigation bar on one's professional website with simple, intuitive choices? Must one's navigation bars always be messy, confusing and schizophrenic? Thus causing viewers to turn away in disgust, at the amateurishness of this untidy life?

Pretty Lady apologizes for inflicting upon you this cryptic Zen Screw moment.


Anonymous said...


You learned from your father have you?

If there is a will there is a way.


If you can dream it, you can achieve it.

Anonymous said...

You learned from your father have you?

Should have read "You have learned nothing from your father, have you?"

Sorry, My mind was going faster then my fingers.

Pretty Lady said...

The question is, dear Starbuck, is it worth it? Is it worth hiring a web designer, purchasing a bunch of software and possibly a new computer, all for the sake of one teensy little pull-down menu?

It is a question of Priorities. Pretty Lady is a perfectionist, but she is also thrifty. It is a most painful position in which to find oneself.

Anonymous said...

Use your charm to find a nice boy who will do it for you? :)

Anonymous said...

The question is, dear Starbuck, is it worth it? Is it worth hiring a web designer, purchasing a bunch of software and possibly a new computer, all for the sake of one teensy little pull-down menu?

Ummm.. You did fail to mention that part. I was thinking it was your lack or programming skills! (No offense meant. but if you are offended, feel free to be creative in smearing my good name. I might enjoy it!)

Pretty Lady said...

People. Pretty Lady would not have had the temerity to pronounce this task Impossible if several Nice Boys of her acquaintance had not already considered the problem deeply.

And Starbuck, Pretty Lady sometimes becomes deeply uneasy when you display your masochistic tendencies.

Chris Rywalt said...

Perhaps you didn't ask the right boys.

Anonymous said...

I don't know, I hear navigation bar and all I can think is someone who has the responsiblity of navigating should have nothing to do in a bar.

Doom said...

I hate to say this, but if it is that important, prioritize it, save what you can when you can, and take breathes in between now and then. I have so many things I "need" to get, buy, or start that I feel like I am chasing my own tail. On the upside, those things I don't actually need will not happen, on the downside, I feel like I'm running through a bog toward a goal that get's further away with each step I take forward. Still, somehow, I like this game.

Anonymous said...

And Starbuck, Pretty Lady sometimes becomes deeply uneasy when you display your masochistic tendencies.


I am no masochist. It is a dare on my part towards whomever. I guess it is part of the city I grew up in. One would throw these little dares, and usually no one takes it up. But the one that does try gets a whooping he won't ever forget. Old habits...

I thought new yorkers were supposed to be tough? Oh well, I forget that city is a progressive city. Non-violent.

I don't like new york anymore.

Anonymous said...

For Starbuck......

New York.....where the strong are killed and the weak are eaten.

Pretty Lady said...

Testing once again...

Doom said...

You remind me of a schoolmarm, once an occasional.